Whitelabel multiplatform app for wellness and fitness industries

Web App Development, Hybrid Mobile App Development, White Labeled Solution, Ux Design, Product design, Manual Testing, Implementation and Support.

The Challenge

Startup fitness company conceptualized an opportunity in the fitness industry market to create a Whitelabel B2C application to shorten the gap between fitness centers and their clients allowing them to manage:

  • Subscriptions.
  • Plan management.
  • Booking on classes with limited spaces.
  • Online Store.
  • Online Payments.
  • Online Training and Health Plans.


Our team developed a SaaS-based platform that allowed fitness centers to create their own custom mobile B2C application cost-effectively. Our solution included:

  • iOS and Android Application for clients.
  • Web app for clientes.
  • Web administrative site for fitness centers.
  • Online payment integrations.
  • Booking system.
  • Computing and scaling on Azure.